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Are the trails open?For current trail conditions, check the blog page or the clubs facebook page.
Why aren't the trails open?Most of our trails are on private land and riding on them when they arent frozen or don't have enough snow can lead to landowners permanently closing trails. Also, riding when it's too warm makes the trail base rough and when it refreezes it's difficult to make smooth again.
Who are the Hollis Honkers?The Hollis Honkers are a group of dedicated volunteers with a common goal of continuing the snowmobiling tradition in Hollis. The club was established in 1975. The club currently maintains over forty miles of trails throughout the town.
Where are your trails?The Hollis Honkers trail system currently consists of trails in South Hollis and Hollis Center including ITS 89 which connects Hollis, Buxton and Lyman. As well as trails in North Hollis that connect to Limington and the Chadourne Ridge area. Trail maps are available for purchase through this site and are free for members of the club.
What can I do to help?There are many ways that you can help. We perform the majority of our trail work in the fall. Where we need help maintaining bridges, trimming branches and working with landowners. During the winter we are out grooming trails and making sure trails are safe for all who want to use them. Throughout the year we have various fundraisers and events where we can always use volunteers. The best way to find out when and where we need help is to attend one of our meetings. We also update Facebook frequently with dates of work parties. We could also use help with accounting and marketing. If there are other services you can offer please feel free to reach out.
Do I really need to show up to a meeting?Meetings are the best place to get your memberships in and get the most up to date information on the club. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month at the Buxton Hollis Rod and Gun Club.
Why should I become a member?Our club needs help! Without members the club can't exist. Your membership fees go back into our club to fund signage and equipment to maintain our trails. It is also a great way to learn all of the trails that are in your backyard.
How do I become a member?There are several ways to be sign up. You can sign up at a meeting or online through this website.
What do I get with my membership?A family membership includes a trail map, Hollis Honker patch, sticker and membership to the Maine Snowmobile Association. Plus the satisfaction of being involved in maintaining recreational opportunities right here in Hollis. A business membership includes the above as well as your name and phone number in the Maine Snombilier monthly newspaper. As well as a large MSA supporting business sticker.
What is in place to protect me from liability if someone get hurt on my property?You are protected by the Maine Liability Law, In fact, there has not been a single reported successful case against a landowner where the Maine Landowner Liability law applied. See here FMI:
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